Driving your digital transformation journey

Our domain knowledge, experience, and delivery focus collectively ensure that our clients repeatedly realise value from their diverse business and technology programmes across the full energy spectrum.

Landing 1

Upstream Oil & Gas

Having worked within the Upstream sector for more than a decade, we know how to deliver business value and results for our clients.

Working in partnership with our clients, E&P has helped to deliver a range of projects, products, and solutions within traditional Upstream areas, such as Subsurface, Drilling & Wells, Production, Capital Projects, and Work Preparation & Execution.

As the industry reshapes to focus on de-carbonisation and renewable energy, our clients are increasingly turning to digitalisation to drive improved safety, performance, and value from a more focused and, in many cases, more mature portfolio of Oil & Gas assets.

Through our team of experienced digital domain consultants, we ensure our clients leverage digital technologies to modernise their operations and maximise value from a refreshed asset portfolio. Key areas of expertise include:

  • Product & Portfolio Strategy and Road mapping
  • Product Ownership and Product Management
  • Drilling & Wells Analytics Platforms and Services
  • Modernisation of Petrotechnical Computing Platforms
  • Data Quality and Governance
  • Software Asset Management and Portfolio Rationalisation
Landing 2

Renewable Energy

E&P Consulting provides domain experts for renewable energy projects to help companies achieve maximum value from their digital and data systems.

As the area of renewable energy expands, many new players will come into this space. Each will have their own systems and ways of working, some will have large monolithic systems, others will be building their own. There are many existing applications used by several current operators, and they will all need to be integrated together.

To minimise the LCOE (levelized cost of energy) for wind power, an efficient operation is key. This requires intimate knowledge and integration of the asset management system, GIS (Geographical Information System), work management, vessel tracking and other systems. E&P Consulting has deep experience in this area and can provide domain experts to help companies achieve maximum value from their digital and data systems.

When used correctly, digitalisation and data can significantly add value to a development by enabling better decisions with reduced effort and time. Skilled people remain critical in this process to run the project and maximise value and profit. Our experienced consultants have the right digital domain expertise to hit the ground running.

Landing 3

Downstream Oil & Gas

In addition to Upstream and Renewable Energy, E&P Consulting has expanded into the Downstream sector, bringing its domain expertise across the entire value chain.

We focus on establishing mutually beneficial relationships to deliver a higher level of expertise and experience to our client’s project team.

Through our digital domain consultants with energy industry experience, our clients can access the extra level of understanding needed to support any situation, problem, or project. Our agile teams understand the problems in the field where technology plugs into operations and delivers the digital domain management to the end users:

  • Managing process control, or quality control
  • Managing products across the organisations' value chain
  • Delivering application management and support to project teams
  • Providing domain expertise to our industry partners
Landing 4

Data Management

E&P Consulting provides digital domain expertise and agile product teams to help energy companies plan and implement better data solutions.

At the heart of any business is the ability to identify opportunities, implement changes and unlock value. Oil and Gas companies need to be able to capture and use increasingly vast quantities of both structured and unstructured data from a wide range of sources. This often poses a real challenge for Oil and Gas companies globally.

As the industry expands into new energy and relies on insights from old data, the value of legacy and current data is now of the upmost importance. Our team of consultants can deliver effective data solutions to free data from silos to enable new cross-functional capability.

We have proven expertise in delivering high-quality, interpretation ready data, which is achieved by providing the right people, with the right expertise to ensure your data delivers the right results and real return for your business.

Landing 5
Landing 6

Let’s Start the Conversation

We drive excellence in performance, client service, and people management.

We unequivocally believe that well-executed delivery and clear-thinking result in a satisfied client who considers us as trusted partners to engage for future challenges and ambitions.

Get in touch to find out how we can help you to realise your digital ambitions.

Upstream Oil & Gas

Ian Stewart

Upstream Lead


Our Team

Renewable Energy

John Draper

Head of Renewables


Our Team

Downstream Oil & Gas

Ian Kennedy

Head of Oil and Gas


Our Team

Data Management

Tina Roberts

Data Services Lead


Our Team